Sandplay Therapists of America National Conference, 2024, Santa Fe, NM June 7th, 2024 The Pueblo Storyteller: "The Very Earth Herself, Talking" 1.5 Hour Presentation Although a more modern art creation originating in 1964, we will explore the deep history of the Pueblo Storyteller through both Pueblo art and the use of clay in general. We will face the historic realities of cultural assaults and attempts at annihilation towards Pueblo art specifically. The Jungian concepts of transcendent function as well as shadow will be identified. Case content of the figure as used in the speaker's own grief process in the sand, following the death of her infant son, will enrich the topic. From death and mourning to the emergence of new life, with the arrival of a rainbow baby, (a term used to describe a child born after a child has died.) Death and birth, mourning and celebration, all will be explored within the context of sandplay therapy.
Care and Counseling April 13th, 2022 Child Centered Play Therapy in Small Spaces: A Primer 1.25 Hour Presentation Created and presented a training on the 8 basic principles of CCPT, two formative theorists in this form of therapy, as well as the importance of using play therapy with children in contrast to talk therapy. The presentation also focused on how to maximize the typical reality of small clinical spaces, as a part of the monthly seminar series.
C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis October 14th, 2021-November 18th, 2021 Facing The Monster In Our Shadow 6 Week Experiential Group, 1.5 Hours Per Session Created a six-week experiential group which explored the Jungian concept of the Shadow using the monster as symbol, both from a personal and collective perspective. In addition to a weekly presentation on these concepts, group members were able to create their own monster figure using clay, as we engaged in the process of Active Imagination to animate and engage this inner symbol.
Indiana University Southeast May 27th, 2009 The Therapeutic Value of Play 1 Hour Presentation Guest lectured to an undergraduate sociology class focused on play. Introduced a brief history on play therapy and educated the students to the therapeutic power of plan, and how play can be used to heal ahd transform psycholocial pain.
Safe From the Start Annual Conference April, 2006 Twenty Minute Presentation Presented to a large group of social service providers regarding the services we provided and how play therapy was being used with clients to process early childhood exposure to violence.